SELF LIGATION www.speedsystem.com How do I open the SPEED Appliance? Do I need a special instrument to open the SPEED Appliance? There are two ways to move the SPEED Spring Clip into the "Slot Open" position. Opening the bracket requires no special instruments or complicated techniques and may be accomplished using a SPEED opening instrument or by using a scaler. The opening force is very light: approximately 300 gms when using the Labial Window. Opening from the Labial Opening from the Gingival No. Opening the SPEED Appliance is accomplished with either the SPEED opening instrument, a U-15 scaler or by using one prong of a ligature director. Many clinicians find that they require less instruments when working with the appliance. This reduces the amount of instruments that have to be sterilized. Archwire Slot Closed Archwire Slot Open Archwire Slot Closed Archwire Slot Open Simply insert the tip of an explorer into SPEED’s Labial Window™ and apply a light occlusal force. SPEED brackets can still be opened from the gingival if desired. Simply apply a light occlusally directed sliding force to the indent in the Spring Clip edge. This indent is centrally located in the instrument access slot on the gingival of the bracket body. 5

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